

Tomas has a BSc and M.Phil. Economics and Finance (Ph.D. program) University of Iceland and New York University. Additional courses in Physics and Chemistry at University of Iceland. Certified Securities Dealer (Iceland) 25 years experience in Banking, M&A, Project and Investment Management, and Teaching. Central Bank of Iceland (Senior Economist), Islandsbanki (Deputy Managing Director of Investment Banking), Lead Consultant for NOVATOR a Leading Private Equity House in London, Teaching at University of Iceland and University of Reykjavik. Investor and Consultant Atominnovations in the UK

Projects examples, Landsbanki Iceland Acquisition in Privatisation (Banking), the Bulgarian National Telecom (Privatisation, acquisition and sale), Eimskip Iceland (Twice Board member – Container shipping and global forwarding Company), Elisa Finland (Board Member – Telecom), Actavis Pharmaceuticals,(Board Member), Economic and Investment Bank Bulgaria (Board Member – Acquisition and Sale), Nova Iceland (Chairman – Telecom), 66 North Iceland (Sale – Retail), Lyfja Iceland (Sale – Pharmacies), and many more covering wide range of industries and countries.


“ I believe in the unlimited potential of human ingenuity. I also know that it is both under-utilised, and that human behaviour can be the greatest obstacle to progress. I have two main principles – Honesty and Fun. By focusing on honesty, you build trust, secure loyalty, transparency and align expectations. By using fun as a principle the journey is enjoyable and wasteful frictions avoided. I have seen more businesses fail due to internal conflicts, greed or egos than funding or technical constraints. I strongly believe in financial prudence – always, regardless of how abundant access to capital is. Companies and investors often create a relationship of accepted dishonesty where the financial growth pressure does not match the need for trial and error of a gradual approach … these would only be words or wishful thinking if it would not tie in directly to my experience of successful projects. I have many sources of inspiration. On financial prudence John D. Rockefeller as a young man in the 1860’s returning investment funds to his backers down to the last penny …”, Warren Buffet’s, hands on, personal, persistent and long-term investment approach. Starbuck’s internal corporate culture of support and kindness, and my own experience of the people of Nova and working with Thor Bjorgolfsson a hugely successful investor globally. I have seen that great business is not built by luck, abundant access to capital or lack of competition, but persistence, people, attitudes, discipline by scarcity, and the courage to change … “.

Case Study

Tomas Managed a project with 9 million EUR structured initial investment. Total business restructuring of a company with 25,000 employees. Twice refinanced internationally including a leveraged buyout of original investors. Sold within 5 years for 1,600 million EUR yileding an investment profit of 4-500 million.  

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if you have a half baked idea or a fully formed plan and a determined drive to achieve, why don’t you drop us a line and lets have a cup of coffee and a chat.


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